A School Library Paragraph

      A School library

The library which is meant for the school students and teachers, is called a school library.A school library is an integral part of a school.It plays an important role in helping the students make good results.The knowledge contained in the prescribed books has to be supplemented by studying books provided by a school library.A school library is lacated usually in a suitable place on the school compound.In a school library, there are many books on different subjects.Moreover, books like novels, poetical works, science fictions, story books, biographies, etc. are available there.The books are arranged in an alphabetical order.Students and teachers can read books, magazine, etc. sitting in the reading room.They can also borrow books on library cards for a certain period.In our school, there is a large library which is rich in books and other items of acquiring knowledge.Whenever I go to our school library, I feel ever fresh and inspired.I wish I could stay in the library for all time.

                  ***THE END***


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