Early Rising

There is a proverb - 'Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.'Early rising means getting up from bed very early in the morning.It is helpful in different ways.An early riser can have a good start of the day's work.He can finish a lot of work before others get up.Work done early in the morning is well done.At that time our mind and body remain fresh.An early riser can take physical exercise in the morning breeze.It gives him energy.Thus he can finish all his work well in time.So, he will not be late to go to bed and will enjoy a sound sleep.After a restful sleep throughout the night, he will rise early the next morning to begin the work of another day.On the other hand, the people who rise late, always lag behind.If they get up early, they will enjoy fresh air or a gentle breeze, the beauty of nature and the chirping of birds.All of these are beneficial to both mind and body.In the morning, nature remains calm and peaceful.As a result, an early riser can enjoy a life of peace and bliss.

                         ***THE END***


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