Past(Indefinite, Continuous, Perfect and Perfect Continuous)Tense

                     ●●●Past Tense●●●

1.Past Indefinite Tense

Structure:Subject + Verb(Past Tense) + other words
1.I played football yesterday.
2.We played football yesterday.
3.You played football yesterday.
4.He played football yesterday.
5.She played football yesterday.
6.It played football yesterday.
7.Tisha played football yesterday.
8.Ishfaq played football yesterday.
9.The boys played football yesterday.
10.The girls played football yesterday.
11.They played football yesterday.
{Past Indefinite Tense এ যদি মূল Verb না থাাকে, তাহলে Auxiliary Verb হিসেবে 'Was', 'Where', 'Had' etc. বসবে।}
Negative:Shetu did not inform me.
Interrogative:Did Nowsin go to New Market yesterday?
Negative - Interrogative:Didn't Habib return from Italy

2.Past Continuous Tense

Structure:Subject + was/were + Verb(Present Form)ing + other words
1.I was playing football.
2.We were playing football.
3.You were playing football.
4.He was playing football.
5.She was playing football.
6.It was playing football.
7.Ishfaq was playing football.
8.Tisha was playing football.
9.The boys were playing football.
10.The girls were playing football.
11.They were playing football.
Negative:He was not swimming then.
Interrogative:Were you swimming then?
Negative - Interrogative:Wasn't he working in the field at that time?

3.Past Perfect Tense

Structure:Subject + had + Verb(Past Participle form) + other words
1.I had played football.
2.You had played football.
3.We had played football.
4.He had played football.
5.She had played football.
6.It had played football.
7.Tisha had played football.
8.Ishfaq had played football.
9.The boys had played football.
10.The girls had played football.
11.They had played football.
*No sooner had I gone out then he came.
*Scarcely had I gone out when he came.
*Heardly had I gone out when he came.
Structure - 2:Subject + had + Verb(Past Participle form) + other words + before + Past Indefinite.
1.I had gone out before he came at home.
2.You had gone out before I came at home.
Structure - 3:Past Indefinite + after + Subject + had + Verb(Past Participle form) + other words.
1.He came at home after I had gone out.
2.Tisha came at home after Ishfaq had gone out.
Negative:He had not watched television before I entered the room.
Interrogative:Had he come to the class before the bell rang?
Negative - Interrogative:Hadn't you gone there before he left?

4.Past Perfect Continuous Tense

Structure:Subject + had been + Verb(Present Form)ing + other words + since/for .........
1.I had been reading for two hours.
2.We had been reading since morning.
3.You had been reading for 2 hours.
4.He had been reading since afternoon.
5.She had been reading for three hours.
6.It had been reading since night.
7.Ishfaq had been reading for 3 hours.
8.Tisha had been reading since evening.
9.The boys had been reading for 30 minutes.
10.The girls had been reading since morning.
11.They had been reading for 20 minutes.
*I had been reading when he came.
#(I had been reading){Past Perfect Continuous Tense}when (he came){Past Indefinite Tense}
Structure - 2:Subject + had been + Verb(Present Form)ing + other words + since/for + time + before + Past Indefinite
1.Jerry had been walking in the hills for two hours before the old man went away.
                      ***THE END***


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