Present (Indefinite, Continuous, Perfect and Perfect Continuous)Tense(Structure and Example)

                    ●●●Present Tense●●●

1.Present Indefinite Tense

Structure:Subject + Verb(Present Form) + other words.
1.I play football.
2.We play football.
3.You play football.
4.He plays football.
5.She plays football.
6.It plays football.
7.Ishfaq plays football.
8.Tisha plays football.
9.The boys play football.
10.The girls play football.
11.They play football.
Interrogative:Does he sing a song?
Negative:He does not sing a song.
Negative - Interrogative:Does he not sing a song?

2.Present Continuous Tense

Structure:Subject + am/is/are + Verb(Present Form)ing + other words
1.I am playing football.
2.We are playing football.
3.You are playing football.
4.The boys are playing football.
5.The girls are playing football.
6.He is playing football.
7.She is playing football.
8.It is playing football.
9.Tisha is playing football.
10.Ishfaq is playing football.
11.They are playing football.
Negative:Abdul Karim is not running.
Interrogative:Is Shetu waiting for me?
Negative - Interrogative:Is not Abdul Karim running?

3.Present Perfect Tense

Structure:Subject + have/has + Verb (Past Participle form) + other words
1.I have played football.
2.We have played football.
3.You have played football.
4.He has played football.
5.She has played football.
6.It has played football.
7.Ishfaq has played football.
8.Tisha has played football.
9.The boys have played football.
10.The girls have played football.
11.They have played football.
Negative:Nowsin has not disturbed me.
Interrogative:Has Shamim played football?
Negative - Interrogative:Hasn't Jesmin written the letter?

4.Present Perfect Continuous Tense

Structure:Subject + have been/has been + Verb(Present Form)ing + other words + since/for + time
1.I have been playing football since morning.
2.We have been playing football for 2 hours.
3.You have been playing football since night.
4.He has been playing football for 3 hours.
5.She has been playing football since afternoon.
6.It has been playing football for 90 minutes.
7.Tisha has been playing football since evening.
8.Ishfaq has been playing football for 30 minutes.
9.The girls have been playing football since afternoon.
10.The boys have been playing football for 5 hours.
11.They have been playing football for 40 minutes.
Negative:Shetu has not been reading for two hours.
Interrogative:Has Naim been swimming for two hours? 
Negative - Interrogative:Haven't you been waiting for me since 10 o'clock?
                      ***THE END***


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