Dengue Fever

Dengue is a serious viral fever caused by a kind of mosquito.An African femal mosquito named Andes Agypti carries the germ of this disease and spreads it rapidly among people.It lays eggs in stagnant water at any place.There are two types of Dengue Fever - Classical and Hemorrhagic.Classical Dengue Fever is not so serious as Hemorrhagic one.The symptoms of classical Dengue Fever are high fever, vomiting, stomach - pain, excess headache, pain at joint of bones, waist and backside of eyes.Sometimes, bone - pain becomes so acute that it seems to be breaking of bone.So, it is called 'Break bone fever'.Anyone recovers form it within 3/4 days.But Hemorrhagic Dengue Fever often causes death of patients.The symptoms of classical Dengue Fever become extreme in this case.Bleeding continues with these symptomes.Specially bleeding comes from gum and nose.Congealed blood and reddish circle are seen under skin.It causes blood - vomit.Congealed blood in white portion of eyes is found.Black blood goes with stool.However, Dengue Fever is not an infectious disease.Still effective treatment has not yet come out.Actually, 'prevention is better than cure' is perfect in Dengue Fever.The only way is to control and destroy Aedes mosquito.To do so, we should keep our surroundings neat and clean and free from stagnant water.

                           ***THE END***


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