
 Facebook is the most popular social networking site.The popularity of Facebook is increasing day by day.Nowadays Facebook has become a very important mood of communication.It helps us to be connected with people worldwide.Everbody having Internet connection may have access to it.Facebook nowadays contributes much to maintain social and friendly relationship among people living far and near.To use Facebook, one needs to open a Facebook account with one's personal details and secret password.To use Facebook, Internet connection is a must.Any person can search their friends as well as near and dear ones online and can send invitation.If the invitation is once accepted, they become friends.Facebook allows us to upload photos and documents and make friendship with a lot of people.Facebook provides online chatting as well.With the help of Facebook, we can easily find out our long lost friends as well as near and dear ones who have Facebook account.It can be used to raise awareness and share news among the members.Facebook also helps business owners sell and consumers find their products.However, Facebook has some disadvantages as well.Teenagers spend a lot of time in Facebook.It kills their valuable time.Crooked people may upload obscene and objectionable photos and comments.Cybercriminals are always active in Facebook.They can steal your information form your profile and harass you.Besides these negative aspects, Facebook is a great boon of IT.


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