
Showing posts from July, 2021


 Facebook is the most popular social networking site.The popularity of Facebook is increasing day by day.Nowadays Facebook has become a very important mood of communication.It helps us to be connected with people worldwide.Everbody having Internet connection may have access to it.Facebook nowadays contributes much to maintain social and friendly relationship among people living far and near.To use Facebook, one needs to open a Facebook account with one's personal details and secret password.To use Facebook, Internet connection is a must.Any person can search their friends as well as near and dear ones online and can send invitation.If the invitation is once accepted, they become friends.Facebook allows us to upload photos and documents and make friendship with a lot of people.Facebook provides online chatting as well.With the help of Facebook, we can easily find out our long lost friends as well as near and dear ones who have Facebook account.It can be used to raise awareness and s


COVID-19 is coronavirus disease 2019.'CO' stands for Corona 'VI' stands for virus and 'D' stands for disease.It is a dangerous virus which enters human body through nose and mouth.People coming in contact with corona patient, can be infected with this disease.This virus was first found in Wuhan city, China.It has spread fast all over the world, affecting millions of people both in the third world and even in the developed countries.It has already claimed the lives of about 1.73 million people across the globe.It has infected over 78 million people in 218 countries.The highest cases of death recorded are in the USA and no case of death has happened in North Korea.The best precaution for preventing COVID-19 is to wash hands frequently, use masks whenever one goes out, avoid crowds and maintain safe physical distance.A number of countries are claiming that they have invented corona vaccines.A few of them have got approval by World Health Organization  (WHO).Some co

How to improve English

 English is an international language.Nobody can succed in life without knowing English well.Now, it is demand of know English well.The necessity of learning English can not be described in words.To get a good job, English is must.Besides, to run business with any country, English is the only language of communication.However, for all these resons, we must learn English well.To learn English well means to develop some basic skills of English language such as by reading, writing, listening and speaking.To develop these skills we have to learn vocabulary, basic rules of grammar and sentence patterns.We know that practice makes a men perfect.To develop these skills, practice is essential.To develop reading skills, we need to make the habit of reading English books, magazines and newspapers.To develop writing skills, we should write regularly.To develop listening skills, we should listen various English programmes and news.To develop speaking skills, we should speak in English everyday.Thu


 My name is Ishfaq Ali Chowdhury.I'm 17 years old.I'm read in class 10.My school name is Chittagong ideal high school.My father name is Haider Ali Chowdhury.My Mother name is Taiba Akhtar Chowdhury.I'm live in Chittagong.My father is a businessman and my mother is a housewife.My hobby is playing cricket and reading book.I love my family.